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Wressle-1 well continues to ‘exceed expectations’

Egdon Resources plc said production continued to exceed expectations since the proppant squeeze at the Wressle-1 well on PEDL180 and PEDL182 in East Yorkshire.

Confident: Wressle is currently the second biggest field in terms of daily production in the onshore UK (Union Jack Oil)


The company also announced it had received the revision to the Environmental Permit.

This will allow installation of a combustion plant for gas-to-electric generation and a new potential revenue stream.

The joint venture comprises operator Egdon (30%), Union Jack Oil plc (40%) and Europa Oil & Gas Holdings plc (30%).


Egdon said that instantaneous flow rates to date were in excess of 884 barrels of oil per day (bopd) along with 480,000 cubic feet of gas (c. 80 barrels of oil equivalent per day) from the Ashover Grit.

This is on a significantly restricted choke setting (30.5/64ths) and with a high flowing wellhead pressure. 

The company added that no formation water had so far been seen as the well continued to clean up. 

“Even with the excellent flow rates seen to date, the full flow potential of the well remains to be fully tested due to constraints being experienced with the gas handling equipment.”  

Egdon aims to remove the constraints and complete the testing of the well’s potential.

The company will then define a plateau production rate matching the well behaviour with the installed facilities, long-term operational objectives and prudent reservoir management.


Managing director Mark Abbott added that Wressle was currently the second biggest field in terms of daily production in the onshore UK after Wytch Farm.

The company was confident the well had more to give in the coming period.

Since returning to production on 19 August, the well has generated in excess of £300,000 for Egdon.

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