Metals & Minerals News

New minister likely to decide WCM coal mine plans

West Cumbria Mining (WCM)’s plans for a coking coal mine look likely to have the final decision made by a new government minister.

Decision: new Secretary of State Michael Gove looks likely to decide WCM’s application (WCM-CGI)


The Secretary of State for housing, communities and local government is responsible for making the final decision on the company’s proposals.

This follows the move by the previous incumbent Robert Jenrick to call in WCM’s application earlier this year, after twice refusing to do so.

In today’s Cabinet reshuffle, Prime Minister Boris Johnson appointed Michael Gove as the new post holder.

He now takes over the responsibility for deciding the fate of the proposed Woodhouse Colliery.


WCM’s proposals are currently being examined in the second week of a 16-day public inquiry.

Once completed, the Planning Inspector Stephen Normington will gave his recommendation before the Secretary of State makes the final decision next year.

The public inquiry can be followed on the Planning Inspectorate’s YouTube channel.