Metals & Minerals News

Government turmoil delays WCM coal mine decision

West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) is still waiting to hear the fate of its proposed coking coal mine after the government minister responsible for making the decision was sacked.

Ministers: Robert Jenrick was responsible for calling in the application after twice refusing to do so (WCM- CGI)


The company was due to hear today from the Secretary of State for levelling up housing and communities Michael Gove.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson last night sacked him and today appointed Tunbridge Wells MP Greg Clark as the new post holder.


Mr Clark held the same post between 2015 and 2016 when the department was known as the department for communities and local government.

He is the third government minster to oversee WCM’s application for a coal mine off the coast of Whitehaven under the Irish Sea.


Robert Jenrick held the post before Mr Gove and was responsible for calling in the application after twice refusing to do so.

He also ordered a public inquiry during which the PM reshuffled the Cabinet and gave the post to Mr Gove.