Metals & Minerals News

WCM undergoes site visit after public inquiry ends

West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) was due to undergo a site visit today by the Planning Inspectorate for the company’s plans for a coking coal mine off the coast of Whitehaven.

Process: the Secretary of State is expected to make his decision in early 2022 (West Cumbria Mining – CGI)


WCM proposes to mine the coal which would be processed at the former Marchon chemical works site in Whitehaven for the steel making industry.

The visit follows the end of formal submissions on 1 October to the 16-day public inquiry on the proposals.

Objectors include South Lakes Action Against Climate Change (SLACC) and Friends of the Earth.

Opposing sides will submit final previously requested documents over the next four weeks before Inspector Stephen Normington considers the evidence.

His recommendation will pass through a quality assurance process within the Inspectorate before going to the Secretary of State Michael Gove at the end of December / early January.

His decision is expected early 2022.