News Oil & Gas

VOG adds additional perforations to well La-108 in Douala

Victoria Oil & Gas plc (VOG) announced an additional 42m of net pay after successfully adding perforations to Logbaba well La-108 at its onshore site in the port city of  Douala, Cameroon.

Understanding: Victoria Oil & Gas needs to ensure it has supply-side forecasts correct (Victoria Oil & Gas)


The company’s wholly owned subsidiary, Gaz du Cameroun S.A. (GDC) completed the operations despite thunderstorms with nearby lightening strikes, during which operations were suspended.

VOG said that in the first few days of production, the well had supplied up to 5.7 MMscf/d of production which was all that had been needed.


Well La-108 was shut in on 9 June 2021 to perform a pressure build-up and returned to production on 5 November.

La-108 is being used to meet the majority of demand for the time being, so that VOG can observe the well’s performance.

The gas currently being produced from the well has a calorific value some 4% higher and condensate slightly lighter than the Logbaba field average. 


Chief executive Roy Kelly said that the company had saved time, money and any environmental risks by omitting any testing to flare.

“Only now do we have all sands in the development wells perforated, which will eventually allow us to gain a clearer understanding of deliverability and reserves from the current well stock.

“This takes time but is necessary to ensure we get supply-side forecasts right going forward; as we have seen, there is huge variability in the performance of the wells.”