Extractive Industries

United completes ASH gas pipeline and boosts output

United Oil and Gas plc announced an additional 5.45 million standard cubic feet per day (1,090 barrels of oil equivalent per day) gross after completing the ASH gas pipeline at the Abu Sennan licence in Egypt.

Abu Sennan: the partners have increased production through drilling and expenditure on infrastructure (United Oil & Gas)

The company, which has production, development, exploration and appraisal assets, added that gas recovery rates had improved across the licence and environmental performance had also increased.

Production over the last two days equates to an additional 1.2MMscf/d (240 boepd) net to the company’s working interest, with initial flow rates in line with expectations.

United expects to exceed its previous guidance of 2,300 boepd when drilling starts in the coming weeks.

The holds a 22% interest in the joint venture licence which is operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt. 

The ASH gas pipeline links the ASH Field to the existing gas processing facilities at El Salmiya, within the licence.

It was completed on time and under budget during December and brought onstream last Sunday (27 December).

United added that the pipeline’s completion before the ASH-3 well allows any gas produced from the well to be monetised more efficiently.

“Since United entered the Abu Sennan licence, the joint venture partners have made excellent progress in increasing production, not just through drilling activity but also through low capital expenditure on infrastructure development,” said chief executive Brian Larkin.

“We look forward to further progress in 2021 with the recommencement of drilling activities, starting with the ASH-3 development well.”

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