News Oil & Gas

United starts production at ASX-1X oil well in Abu Sennan

United Oil & Gas plc has started production from the commercial discovery declared at the ASX-1X oil exploration well in the Abu Sennan licence, onshore Egypt.

Success: United is very excited about the company’s four-well drilling campaign in 2022 and beyond (United Oil & Gas)


The ASX-1X well is the second exploration well to be drilled in 2021 on the Abu Sennan licence in which United holds a 22% interest.

The company received a development lease covering the new discovery in Abu Roash C (AR-C) reservoirs on 12 October 2021.

Site operator Kuwait Energy Egypt brought the well straight onto production three weeks after initial drilling results.

Initial production rates from the AR-C were of 870 barrels of oil per day (bopd) gross (191 bopd net) on a 64/64″ choke.


United will next spud the Al Jahraa-13 development well, the fifth in the company’s 2021 campaign, targeting the upper and lower Bahariya reservoirs in the Al Jahraa field. 

The ECDC-6 rig is soon expected to mobilise from its current location in the Eastern Desert, with drilling due in the coming weeks.


Chief executive Brian Larkin said that the commercial discovery at ASX-1X well and production would enhance revenue and further increase the proven reserves on the licence.

“Another new discovery is a further positive sign for the remaining exploration potential within licence, and we will continue to work with our joint venture partners to prioritise these opportunities which can be brought into production in short time frames.

“With the excellent record of exploration and development drilling success we have had on Abu Sennan to date, we are very excited about the four well drilling campaign next year and beyond, and the potential that the licence offers for years to come.”