News Oil & Gas

United plans well test on ARC reservoir in ASV-1X well at Abu Sennan

United Oil & Gas plc said it supported plans for a well test on the ARC reservoir in the ASV-1X exploration well at the Abu Sennan licence, onshore Egypt.

Outcome: the JV will decide further operations following results of current testing (United Oil & Gas)


The company holds a 22% working interest in the Abu Sennan licence, which is operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt.

United said that the well was drilled to a total depth of 3,496 metres encountering nine metres of net reservoir in the primary Abu Roash “C” (ARC) reservoir target and 111m of net reservoir in the secondary Kharita target. 

“Indications of hydrocarbons were recorded on the mud log over the ARC reservoir target and oil was identified from the geochemical analysis of ditch-cuttings, however the initial petrophysical interpretation did not indicate the presence of net pay in either the ARC or Kharita reservoir intervals.”


Given the evidence from the mud log, the oil seen in the ditch-cuttings, and the similarity to the petrophysical response observed across the ARC reservoir in the previously drilled ASZ-1X well, the JV partners agreed to a well-test on the ARC reservoir in the ASV-1X well.

United cited ASZ-1X drilled in 2018 as a comparison where initial petrophysical results suggested a lack of net pay in the ARC reservoir, but the well flowed hydrocarbons on test, and was put onto production.

The JV will decide further operations on the well and any potential application for a development concession following the results of the current testing programme.


The ASV-1X well is the second well of the 2022 drilling campaign, and the first exploration well in the programme.

On completion of the initial well-testing on ASV-1X, the rig will move to the Al Jahraa field to drill the Al Jahraa-14 development well.