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United Oil & Gas CFO Peter Dunne to leave for daa

United Oil & Gas plc executive director and chief financial officer Peter Dunne will leave after 18 months with the company for a new post.

He will become CFO with daa.plc, previously known as Dublin Airport Authority, expected during the first quarter of 2024.

“Peter has made an outstanding contribution to United since he joined the company,” said chief executive officer Brian Larkin.

“Whilst we are sorry to see Peter leave, we wish him all the best and success in his new role as CFO with daa plc.

“On behalf of the board and Peter’s colleagues, I would like to thank Peter for his hard work and commitment, and he leaves with our best wishes.”

Mr Dunne added: “I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at United working alongside such a strong team that is dedicated to executing United’s strategy and delivering value to shareholders.

“I would like to take this opportunity to wish Brian and the whole team continued success and I look forward to seeing continued progress being made in Jamaica and Egypt.”

United has begun to search for a new CFO and will appoint an interim post holder. Mr Dunne will remain available over the coming months to ensure a smooth transition.

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