News Oil & Gas

United hits 25.5m net oil pay across multiple reservoirs at Abu Sennan

United Oil & Gas plc said its eighth consecutive well had exceeded pre-drill expectations by meeting 25.5m of net pay across multiple oil-bearing reservoirs at Abu Sennan, onshore Egypt.

Positive: United states there remains significant potential within the Abu Sennan licence (United Oil & Gas)


Site operator Kuwait Energy Egypt drilled the ASD-2 development well to test the north-western culmination of the commercial discovery in the ASD field.

ASD-2, the first well of United’s 2022 drill campaign, safely reached total depth of 3,631m encountering at least 25.5m of net oil pay across the Abu Roash and Bahariya reservoirs.


“An estimated 20 metres of net pay was encountered in the Abu Roash-E reservoir, significantly above pre-drill expectations,” said United in a statement.

Kuwait Energy will test and complete the well in the coming days and bring it immediately onstream through the existing ASD facilities.

United holds a 22% working interest in the licence.


After completing the ASD-2 well, the operator will release the ECDC-6 rig and continue with the Sino Tharwa-1 rig.

As the drilling locations at the Al Jahraa and ASH fields are still being finalised, the ASV-1X exploration well has been brought forward in the campaign as the next to be drilled in the coming weeks.

United estimates that the ASV-1X structure could hold more than 2.5 million barrels gross mean recoverable resources.


Chief executive Brian Larkin added that the result from the ASD-2 well provided a very positive start to the 2022 drilling campaign.

“Our production is highly leveraged to the current higher oil prices and oil/gas discoveries can be quickly brought on stream through existing facilities, generating immediate revenue for the company.

“There remains significant potential within the Abu Sennan licence, and we are looking forward to drilling the upcoming ASV-1X exploration well.”