United Oil & Gas plc said it had encountered seven metres of net oil play, in line with the higher end of pre-drill estimates, in the Al Jahraa-14 development well (AJ-14) on the Abu Sennan licence, onshore Egypt.

United holds a 22% working interest in the licence, which is operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt.
AJ-14, which encountered net oil play in the primary Abu Roash C (ARC), becomes the seventh successful development well at Abu Sennan since United acquired its interest.
The well aimed to intersect the ARC reservoir, targeting reserves from an undrained area of the Al Jahraa field.
AJ-14 safely reached total depth of 3,619 metres ahead of schedule and under budget.
The planned testing programme includes both ARC and secondary Abu Roash G (ARG) targets.
United encountered the secondary ARG target 13 metres up dip of the Al Jahraa-12 well, interpreted to have intersected an oil-water contact.
“Due to technical difficulties whilst running the logging tools a full logging suite was not acquired over the ARG interval in the AJ-14 well,” said United in a statement.
“However, there was sufficient encouragement from the logging-while-drilling tools to indicate potentially hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir, and to include the ARG in the testing programme.”
If testing is successful from either target, the JV will immediately bring the well onstream through the existing facilities.
Future drilling includes the ASH-4 development well which the Sino Tharwa-1 rig will drig in the coming weeks to target 2.2 million barrels gross in an undrilled compartment of the ASH field.
The final well in the 2022 programme is the high impact exploration well ASF-1X targeting more than eight million barrels gross.