Extractive Industries

Union Jack nears testing Andrews 2-17

Union Jack Oil plc will begin completion and production testing in the next 14 days of the Andrews 2-17 well in Seminole County, Oklahoma.

Grow: the company’s United States drilling activities will accelerate (Pixabay)


Partner and operator Reach Oil & Gas Company Inc spud the well eight days ago, drilling to a total depth of 4,850 feet and penetrating the Hunton Limestone at 4,180 ft measured depth.

Union Jack reported that the target showed “elevated gas readings, good oil and gas shows, stain and fluorescence from top to bottom of the interval and is hydrocarbon bearing as interpreted from the wireline logs”.

Executive chairman David Bramhill added: “As we learn more about the technical and production attributes of the Andrews 2-17 well over the coming weeks, I am certain that our United States drilling activities will be accelerated and another positive phase of growth will be added to the company’s already successful ventures on both sides of the Atlantic.

“Work continues on the gas export pipeline at the site of the commercial Andrews 1-17 well.”

Union Jack holds a 45% working interest in the project.

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