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UKOG prepares to run electric logs in Pinarova-1

UK Oil & Gas plc (UKOG) plans to run electric logs to identify oil pay after an initial 107 metre open hole swab test proved inconclusive in the Pinarova-1 exploration well in Turkey.

Evaluation: after drilling the primary target to 550m total depth, UKOG will run electric logs to identify oil pay (UK Oil & Gas)


The company is testing the site to learn whether the well is fed by and connected to a 9km2 light oil seep in the Pinarova structure, 300-645m below surface.

The rig is tomorrow expected to begin drilling an 8½ inch hole ahead into the uppermost primary Hoya limestones objective.

“The top of the primary target is coincident with the uppermost and strongest of a series of seismic amplitude anomalies observed within the core of the Pinarova geological structure,” said UKOG in a statement.

After drilling the primary target to 550m total depth, UKOG will run electric logs to identify oil pay, followed by cemented 7″ casing, in order to evaluate the oil shows more fully.

“This configuration will then enable definitive conventional selective cased hole tests to be performed, where any discrete identified oil zones can be perforated and isolated from any water bearing intervals,” added the company.


UKOG said that initial swab test results neither confirmed nor wholly refuted whether the oil shows seen from 358 metres downwards represented an oil pay zone.

“Swabbing the 107-metre open test zone initially returned only drilling fluids which then became cut with possible formation water during the latter stages of testing.

“The water ingress recovered may possibly be derived from fractured limestones either above or below the zone corresponding to the onset of oil shows.

“However, by its nature, an open hole test, with no packer set to provide zone  isolation, does not permit the precise location(s) of inflow into a well to be determined.”

UKOG holds a 50% non-operated interest in Pinarova-1 and the surrounding 305 km² Resan licence, with operator Aladdin Middle East Ltd.