UK Oil & Gas plc (UKOG) is nearing the restart of its Turkish operations after explosive permits were secured for the 7-inch perforating guns to test the Pinarova-1 exploration well.

The guns, fully capable of penetrating the well’s 9⅝-inch casing, are now ready for transport to the site.
UKOG said it was currently liaising with the operator Aladdin Middle East Ltd (50%) to schedule a date to resume testing operations.
In May, UKOG suspended operations when less powerful guns failed to establish direct contact with the Pinarova formation through the casing and cement.
The new guns will be deployed over the Germik/Hoya section where in September strong oil odours at surface were recorded over a 12-hour period during drilling and mobile light oil was recovered from the mud pit.
Geochemical analysis found the mud pit oil to be near identical to that found in the seismic shot hole oil seep, located around 1.5 km to the west.
UKOG holds a 50% non-operated interest in Pinarova-1 and the surrounding 305 km² Resan licence, which also includes the undeveloped Basur-1 light oil discovery.
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