UK Oil & Gas plc (UKOG) said it could face an appeal in the Supreme Court against the company’s grant for oil production at Horse Hill near Gatwick in Surrey.

The company added that it would “strongly contest” any further action against its interests which total 85.635%.
Alba Mineral Resources plc holds an 11.765% effective interest.
The challenge is by Sarah Finch on behalf of the Weald Action Group (Finch et al) to Surrey County Council’s grant of Horse Hill production.
“The company now understands that, disappointingly, but perhaps not unsurprisingly, the claimant has been given a final legal avenue to appeal to the Supreme Court,” said UKOG in a statement.
“Should the claimant adopt this final permitted course of action, it is expected to be heard some time from Q2 2023 onwards.
“No further action by the claimant will be permissible after any such hearing.
“Planning consent currently remains in full force and lawful oil production at Horse Hill will continue until further notice.”
UKOG added that five judges and the Court of Appeal had previously dismissed the case.
“Consequently, the company and its legal counsel remain convinced that planning consent was granted entirely lawfully, and will, therefore, strongly contest any further action against its interests,” it added.
Work continues at the site with the recent installation of a new Unico pump in the HH-1 oil producer.
“The prior pump is being refurbished as an additional spare,” said UKOG.
“Preparatory work towards converting HH-2z into a produced saline water reinjector continues.”