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UKOG tests for light oil accumulation in Pinarova-1

UK Oil & Gas plc has started testing its working hypothesis that the Pinarova-1shallow oil exploration well is connected to an underlying accumulation at the site in Turkey.

Structure: lies within Eocene Hoya group limestones, around 300-645 metres below surface (Pixabay)


The 50-50 joint venture with operator Aladdin Middle East involves drilling a 12¼ inch diameter hole down to the first casing point at a depth of  around 300 metres.

“Following setting of 9⅝ inch casing, the well will then drill through the target Hoya section and ultimately down to a total depth of approximately 500-550 metres below surface,” added the company in a statement.

“A UKOG geologist is on site to assist in recording geology and identifying any mobile oil to surface in drilling cuttings and or mud.”

Drilling began on 7 April at the location 6km north of the Basur-1 oil discovery and is expected to take around eight to 10 days.


Pinarova-1 will test if the active 41.7˚ API* light oil seep found in July 2022 in a seismic shot hole above the Pinarova structure, is directly fed by and connected to an underlying 9km² light oil accumulation.

The structure lies within Eocene Hoya group limestones, around 300-645 metres below surface.

*measure of the density of crude oil, as defined by the American Petroleum Institute