News Oil & Gas

UJO-Reach drilling on Moccasin ‘bears fruit’

Union Jack Oil plc said tests showed initial open hole average flow rate at 25.88 barrels of oil per hour, or 621 barrels of oil per day, in Moccasin 1-13 well in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, USA.

Opened: a raft of new and compelling opportunities in Oklahoma (Pixabay)


Joint venture partner and operator Reach Oil & Gas Company Inc continues to evaluate the well while it starts installation of permanent production facilities and oil sales.

“We are very pleased with the rates and pressure of the Moccasin well,” added chairman Miles Newman.

“It’s excellent to see all the hard geological, geophysical and data gathering over the years bear fruit.”

Drilling in January to a total depth of 5,690 ft in the then untested Moccasin structure revealed several zones of interest and test intervals.

Two other zones, the Red Fork and the Bartlesville Sandstones, are due to be perforated and evaluated.

Union Jack executive chairman David Bramhill said that the partners were planning to test a further 3D seismic supported structure which appears “very similar” to Moccasin.

“We are of course delighted at this success at Moccasin which has opened a raft of new and compelling opportunities for the company in Oklahoma,” he added.