Metals & Minerals News

Trelavour project deemed ‘nationally significant’

Cornish Lithium plc said that its Trelavour hard rock development could bypass separate approvals processes after the Government deemed it a nationally significant infrastructure project.

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Secretary of state for housing, communities and local government, Angela Rayner, issued the direction, citing the likely “significant economic impact” of the development in “driving growth, nationally and regionally”.

Additionally, the St Austell project’s “influence” will have an impact on a region wider than a single local authority area, and that Trelavour focuses on a “strategically important industrial mineral”.

Ms Rayner also stated that the project would “benefit” by undergoing “a single, unified consenting process provided by the Planning Act”, instead of applying for separate approvals, added Cornish Lithium.

Founder, chairman and chief executive Jeremy Wrathall said that NSIP status was a vote of confidence in the project’s impact on Cornwall and the UK as a whole.

“It will also provide clarity in terms of the planning process for Trelavour and certainty in the context of our development timelines while we continue to pro-actively consult and engage with stakeholders, including, local communities, businesses and authorities.”