News Oil & Gas

Test at Kirkham Abbey encourages West Newton JV

The joint venture partners at West Newton PEDL183 perforated an initial interval of 25 metres of the 62 metre Kirkham Abbey hydrocarbon column.

Potential: the test will provide key data inputs for the ultimate development plans at West Newton (Reabold Resources)

On 7 June, site operator Rathlin Energy (UK) Ltd began well testing at the West Newton B1-Z (WNB-1Z) sidetrack, initially focusing on the lower portion of the Kirkham Abbey.

Partners Reabold Resources plc and Union Jack Oil plc yesterday reported significant inflow of completion fluids into and subsequently out of the reservoir, which were indicative of a functioning permeability system.

Liquids and gas were recovered to surface with analyses of the recovered liquids pending.

Gas analyses exhibit a strong similarity to analyses obtained from the West Newton A site wells with samples showing approximately 90% methane content and no native H2S.

Rathlin will now focus on cleaning up of the well before further flow testing.

An additional 19m zone in the upper Kirkham Abbey Formation has been identified for perforation and flow testing.


The JV comprises upstream hydrocarbon investor Reabold with 56% economic interest in West Newton via its 59% share in Rathlin, which has a 66.67% in PEDL183.

In addition, Reabold has a 16.665% direct licence interest in PEDL183, and Union Jack Oil also owns a 16.665% economic interest.

The licence contains the WNA-1, WNA-2 and WN B-1Z hydrocarbon discoveries.

Reabold co-chief executive Stephen Williams said the company was very encouraged by the indications of permeability within the system and the initial recovery of hydrocarbons to surface.

“We look forward to continued clean up of completion fluids from the well, putting us in a position to assess hydrocarbon flow potential.  

“Along with planned testing of additional zones and of the A-2 well, the test will provide key data inputs into the ultimate development plans at West Newton, including the drilling of the deviated well at B-2.”