Tertiary Minerals plc said it had discovered “economically significant” silver and cobalt mineralisation at its Mushima North copper project in Zambia.

The company’s Autumn 2024 drilling campaign involved 25 holes on three traverses at target A1, a copper-in-soil anomaly, and one at C1.
Today’s results, from samples from four holes sent for multi-element check analysis, are associated with the October findings of copper-zinc mineralisation, added Tertiary.
From target A1, hole 24TMN004 intercepted 59 metres of mineralisation, grading 25 grammes/tonne silver, 0.2% copper and 0.16% zinc from 10m to end of hole at 72m.
This included 26m grading 36g/t silver, 0.20% copper and 0.20% zinc from 45 to 72m.
The same hole ended in mineralisation grading 49g/t silver, 0.24% copper and 0.15% zinc.
Hole 24TMN024 intercepted “significant” cobalt with 6m grading 0.08% cobalt, 0.58% copper from 47-53m.
Based on available check analyses, the entire hole is anomalous in copper, cobalt and nickel.
At target C, results showed “narrow intervals of low-grade gold mineralisation” and a silver-in-soil geochemical anomaly of 1.3km long and open ended to the northeast and southwest.
“This is an exciting grass roots discovery,” said executive chairman Patrick Cheetham.
“So far, we have checked only one of a number of adjacent 50m spaced drill holes on Line 1 that contain wide intervals of copper and zinc and which were drilled within the newly defined silver soil anomaly.
“We anticipate that these holes may also have significant silver contents.
“With so many of these holes ending in mineralisation and the open-ended silver anomaly being at least 1.3km long, it’s clear we have only just scratched the surface at Mushima North.
“The wide interval of silver mineralisation now being reported suggests a target of potential
economic interest.”
Tertiary plans to send samples from all existing holes considered prospective for silver for further analysis.