Tertiary Minerals plc said it had received positive laboratory assay results from its first drill programme at the Jacks copper joint venture (JV) project in Zambia.

The Jacks prospect is within exploration licence 27069-HQ-LEL covering 141.4 km2, and lies 85km south of Luanshya in Zambia.
The project is one of five licences areas in Zambia where Tertiary has the right to earn a 90% interest from JV partner Mwashia Resources Ltd.
Tertiary, which is earning a 90% interest Jacks, said it had intersected significant copper mineralisation in all four diamond drillholes.
22JKDD01: 13.5m grading 0.9% copper from 77.5m downhole, including 3m grading 1.7% copper from 79.5m, and 3.5m grading 1.2% copper from 87.0m
22JKDD02: 7m grading 0.6% copper from 54m, and 3m grading 0.8% copper from 191m
22JKDD03: 6m grading 1.8% copper from 105m, including 4m grading 2.4% copper from 106.0m
22JKDD04: 14m grading 0.8% copper from 27m, including 2m grading 1.7% copper from 27m and 5m grading 1.0% copper from 35m.
The company added it had intersected copper mineralisation over a strike length of 350m, which remains open along strike and at depth.
Tertiary has started planning further evaluation of the historical copper soil anomaly that extends over a strike length of 16km within the licence area.
The company added it had notified Mwashia that it had now earned a 51% interest in the Jacks project licence.
Tertiary has also exercised its option to continue earning up to a 90% JV interest.
Executive Chairman Patrick Cheetham described the results from all four holes as “impressive copper hits”.
“Given that the Jacks prospect lies within a 16km long soil geochemical anomaly, it is clear we are dealing with an exciting target with considerable potential.
“In the meantime, our local partner, Mwashia Resources Ltd, has made good progress on the environmental permitting required for exploration to start on the four other licences within our Zambian portfolio.
“We look forward to a busy and productive work programme during this dry season.”