Tertiary Minerals plc has paused operations at three of its Zambia copper joint venture projects until after the Christmas and New Year break.

The company’s earn-in partner KoBold Metals drilled at Konkola West until 16 December but has yet to reach the target horizon.
The programme is expected to resume on or around 7 January and continue during the rainy season.
At Mukai, First Quantum Minerals Ltd completed three diamond drill holes for a total 552m before the rainy season began.
Following submission and analysis of drill core samples the received data will inform the
exploration programme for 2025.
Subject to the results, drilling is provisionally due to resume in second quarter of 2025, after the end of the rainy season.
Tertiary said that a magnetic survey is now complete over the A1 target at Mushima North, with geochemical analysis results anticipated in January.