Metals & Minerals News

Tertiary’s results indicates copper-in-soil anomaly at Lubuila

Tertiary Minerals plc said its preliminary results from soil sampling indicated a “large open-ended copper-in-soil anomaly” at the Lubuila joint venture copper project in Zambia.

Plan: shows the location of the soil sampling grids and provisional analytical results (Tertiary Minerals)


The company collected a total 450 soil samples across three separate grids targeting two untested areas of A and B, and a historical copper-in-soil anomaly at area C.

Assays indicated a large anomaly defined over 1,000m by 680m at area C, with a peak copper value of 306ppm and an average value of 125ppm Cu.

Tertiary plans to send a sample subset for traditional wet geochemical ICP analysis for data
validation and interpretation.


The company’s partner Mwashia Resources Ltd has the right to earn in up to 90% of four licences including the Lubuila, Mukai, Konkola West and Mushima North projects.

Lubuila is within exploration licence 27065-HQ-LEL, covering 334km², and is located 90km west of Luanshya.