Tertiary Minerals plc reported that laboratory checks had enhanced previous provisional results of portable XRF (pXRF) analyses taken in the field on soil samples from the Jacks copper project in Zambia.

The company said that laboratory check multi-element analytical results for 107 soil samples from four sample grids showed “excellent correlation” with field pXRF results.
New scandium analyses, unavailable with pXRF analysis, evaluated key copper:scandium (Cu:Sc) ratios which are considered indicative of hydrothermal copper sulphide mineralisation elsewhere in Zambia, added Tertiary.
“The high Cu:Sc ratios obtained from the soil samples taken over copper sulphide mineralisation intersected in company’s 2022 drill programme at Area D validate the
application of the Cu:Sc ratio and both enhance and extend the Area D soil anomaly beyond the area drilled.
“Laboratory analyses for 27 contiguous soil samples along a check profile in Area C exhibit high Cu:Sc ratios for a strike length of approximately 1km and make Area C another priority for drill testing.”
“These check analyses, and the scandium results in particular, have materially enhanced the
previously reported results and confirm the prospectivity of the priority copper soil anomalies
outlined to date at the Jacks project,” said executive chairman Patrick Cheetham.
“These results build on a number of recent positive announcements for our Zambian copper
projects that highlight the prospectivity of the portfolio we have built over the past 18 months.
“We are looking forward to an exciting field season in 2023.”