Metals & Minerals News

Tertiary encouraged by Konkola West drilling

Tertiary Minerals plc’s first drill hole has to date reached a depth of 1,023 metres at the Konkola West copper earn-in project in Zambia.

Dedicate: substantial financial and technical resources in the project (Pixabay)


Partner KoBold Metals continues drilling KWD001, targeting the ore-shale hosting copper mineralisation found at the Konkola-Lubambe copper mines and nearby Mingomba deposit.

Tertiary said that KoBold had intersected a number of “expected key marker horizons” that were “consistently” seen in the stratigraphy above the ore-shale in the deposits.

The company added it was impossible to predict the depth at which the hole might encounter ore-shale, although drilling is expected to continue until June.

Operations could take longer or complete sooner depending on the thickness of the stratigraphic units yet to be drilled.

The earn-in comprises Tertiary, Kobold and local partner Mwashia Resources Ltd.

Executive chairman Patrick Cheetham, who was on site during the early stages of the drill hole, added: “We are delighted with the level of technical detail being provided to the company by KoBold on an ongoing basis and we are encouraged to see the known mine stratigraphy marker horizons present in this hole.

“KoBold is investing heavily in new facilities in the area for its Mingomba project and is
dedicating substantial financial and technical resources to make the drilling of the Konkola
West copper project a success.”