Extractive Industries

Tertiary delineates copper-in-soil anomaly

Tertiary Minerals plc has delineated a “large and strategically located copper-in-soil
anomaly” at its Mupala project in the Kabompo Dome of the Nothwestern Province, Zambia.

Confirm: licence prospectivity originally indicated by historical data (Pixabay)


The company collected 684 soil samples in areas of anomalous copper-in-soil with results identifying a copper-in-soil anomaly approximately 1,800m long by 600m wide.

Portable X-ray fluorescence analysis identified a peak value of 422 ppm copper.

Tertiary will submit a sub-set of samples for laboratory geochemical analysis.

Executive chairman Patrick Cheetham said: “The anomaly confirms the prospectivity of the licence which was originally indicated by historical data and its proximity to the Anglo American/Arc Minerals JV area.

“More work is required to determine the significance of this soil anomaly, but this is a very promising start to exploration at Mupala.”

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