Metals & Minerals News

Hummingbird positive on upgrading Yanfolila

Hummingbird Resources plc said that it had positive results from drilling aimed at upgrading inferred resources into the indicated category at its Yanfolila gold mine in southern Mali. MRE During the first quarter, exploration mainly focused on the Sanioumale West North pit and Kabaya South deposits. The company added that Sanioumale West North showed “potential […]

Metals & Minerals News

Hummingbird net group estimates fall

Hummingbird Resources plc net group estimates have fallen compared with last year’s statement for its projects in Guinea, Mali and Liberia. UNTAPPED EXPLORATION Revised group reserves total 4.03 million ounces of gold and group resources of 6.95 Moz, while net figures saw a decrease of 98,000 ounces and 327 Koz respectively. At the Kouroussa gold […]

Metals & Minerals News

Hummingbird has strong first half at Yanofila

Hummingbird Resources plc has reversed its fortunes with strong first half production from Yanfolila gold mine in southern Mali. PRODUCTION The company’s Q2 2023 operational and trading report showed an increase to 23,885 oz gold produced in Q2 2023 (Q2 2023: 20,013 oz). Total H1 2023 gold produced reached 51,147 oz (H1 2022: 35,561 oz). […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Hummingbird progresses Yanfolila-Kouroussa

Hummingbird Resources plc maintained steady performance at its Yanfolila gold mine in Mali while remaining on schedule for first gold pour at Kouroussa, Guinea. CONTRACT Results for Q1 2023 showed production continuing from the end of the previous year with 27,262 ounces (Q4 2022: 28,264: Q1 2022: 15,548). Q1 2023 all-in sustaining cost (AISC) from […]