Metals & Minerals News

WCM mine plans to be decided by reappointed minister

West Cumbria Mining Ltd’s application for a coking coal mine will once more be decided by Michael Gove MP after being previously dismissed as the minister in charge. MINISTERIAL CHANGES The Government initially called in the application in March 2021 by the then secretary of state Robert Jenrick. He ordered a public inquiry following concerns […]

Legal Metals & Minerals News

WCM prepares for public inquiry over mine plans

West Cumbria Mining Ltd (WCM) said it was disappointed that the Government had decided to call in and hold a public inquiry on its plans for a metallurgical coal mine off the coast of Cumbria. The miner added it would assess the requirements of the public inquiry process and present a compelling case to the […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

WCM nears restart of deep coal mining in the UK

West Cumbria Mining (WCM) said it was delighted that the Government has lifted its holding direction on the company’s proposed deep coal mine near Whitehaven, off the coast of Cumbria. ESTIMATED RESOURCE Secretary of State Robert Jenrick MP has decided not call in the application for him to settle the matter and the plans will […]

Metals & Minerals News

WCM expects £302m revenues from coal mine

West Cumbria Mining (WCM) predicts its new underground mine at Whitehaven will generate £302 million in revenue from national and international sales of coking coal. FINANCES WCM said that its proposed Woodhead Colliery, described as a 21st century mine, would contribute £16 billion to UK GDP and £300 million in tax over a period of […]