News Oil & Gas

Rathlin plans to use oil-based drilling fluid at West Newton

Rathlin Energy (UK) Ltd plans to use oil-based drilling fluids after data analyses showed that the formation was “very sensitive to aqueous fluids” at West Newton A and B sites in East Yorkshire. DAMAGE The operator said that lab analyses showed that previous drilling of the West Newton wells with water-based mud had created near […]

News Oil & Gas

Rathlin to reduce number of West Newton A oil wells

Rathlin Energy (UK) plc said it would reduce the number of wells in a revised planning application for expanded oil production at West Newton A in East Yorkshire. APPEAL In September, East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s planning committee refused the company’s initial application due to the scale of the proposed development. In a statement on […]

News Oil & Gas

Rathlin starts West Newton-A public consultation

Rathlin Energy (UK) Ltd has started a virtual public consultation on the planned West Newton A (WN-A) hydrocarbon field near Hull in East Yorkshire. PROGRAMME The PEDL 183 licence contains the West Newton A-1 (WN-A1) discovery well, the A-2 appraisal well, along with the recently drilled B-1Z discovery. Drill results in December 2020 revealed that […]