News Oil & Gas

Union Jack increases Oklahoma interests

Union Jack Oil plc today confirmed two commercial successes and expansion of its onshore portfolio in Oklahoma, USA. ANDREWS Spud in March and targeting the Hunton Limestone, Andrews 1-17 in Seminole County underwent restricted and periodic test production during late May 2024. The company said that the well had since produced 6,460 barrels of high-quality, […]

News Oil & Gas

Union Jack nears testing Andrews 2-17

Union Jack Oil plc will begin completion and production testing in the next 14 days of the Andrews 2-17 well in Seminole County, Oklahoma. PIPELINE Partner and operator Reach Oil & Gas Company Inc spud the well eight days ago, drilling to a total depth of 4,850 feet and penetrating the Hunton Limestone at 4,180 […]

Legal News Oil & Gas

Biscathorpe oil production consent quashed

Egdon Resources plc and the Government have conceded that permission has been quashed for oil production at Biscathorpe in the Lincolnshire Wolds. IMPLICATIONS The move follows last month’s Supreme Court landmark ruling that a consent, issued in 2019 for oil production at Horse Hill in Surrey, must include end-use emissions. Biscathorpe lies within licence PEDL253 […]

News Oil & Gas

West Newton targets low capex and early revenue

The West Newton joint venture said that new development plans allow early production and revenue with low capital expenditure, based on the project’s feasibility study. DEVELOPMENT The West Newton A1, A2 and WNB-1z discoveries lie within licence PEDL183 in East Yorkshire. CNG Services Ltd’s study revealed that, before full field development, an initial single horizontal […]