News Oil & Gas

UJO-Reach drilling ‘bears fruit’ on Moccasin

Union Jack Oil plc said tests showed initial open hole average flow rate at 25.88 barrels of oil per hour, or 621 barrels of oil per day, in Moccasin 1-13 well in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, USA. ZONES Joint venture partner and operator Reach Oil & Gas Company Inc continues to evaluate the well while it starts installation of permanent production facilities and […]

News Oil & Gas

Union Jack-Reach confirm Moccasin discovery

Union Jack Oil plc reported the commercial discovery of a “significant” oil producer of the joint venture Moccasin 1-13 well located in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, USA. ZONES The company holds a 45% working interest while operator Reach Oil & Gas Company Inc owns 55%. The Moccasin structure is a compressive feature associated with the regional […]

News Oil & Gas

Reabold increases interest in West Newton

Reabold Resources plc has completed its £700,000 acquisition of further shares in Rathlin Energy (UK) Ltd, operator of the onshore West Newton gas joint venture within PEDL183 in East Yorkshire. The company purchased the shares from Connaught Oil & Gas Ltd, increasing its equity interest in Rathlin to approximately 79.8%. Reabold holds a 69.9% economic […]

News Oil & Gas

UJO identifies zones of interest in Moccasin 1-13

Union Jack Oil plc has identified “several zones of interest and test intervals” in the Moccasin 1-13 well in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma. TESTING Joint venture operator Reach Oil and Gas Company Inc drilled the well to a total depth of 5,690 feet and has acquired electric logs. Evaluation and testing will begin on or around […]

News Oil & Gas

Union Jack-Reach spud Moccasin 1-13 well

Union Jack Oil plc’s joint venture partner has spudded the Moccasin 1-13 well, located in Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, USA. ZONES Operator Reach Oil and Gas Company Inc will drill the well, the partnership’s fourth, to a target depth of 5,500 feet. Union Jack, with a 45% working interest, said it had already met its costs […]

News Oil & Gas

UJO encounters quality reservoir in Taylor

Union Jack Oil plc said it had encountered quality reservoir with two potential further secondary intervals in the joint venture Taylor 1-16 well in Seminole County, Oklahoma, USA. OBJECTIVE Operator Reach Oil and Gas Inc drilled the well to a total depth of 4,577 feet, reaching the target Hunton Limestone interval at 4,168ft. The interval […]