UK Oil & Gas plc has raised £500,000 via a 28% discounted placing of 3,333,333,333 new ordinary shares at 0.015 pence per share. The total number of voting rights in the company is 8,167,456,073. Proceeds will first repay in full the balance of the convertible funding facility with RiverFort Global Opportunities PCC Ltd and YA […]
Tag: UK Oil & Gas plc (UKOG)
UKOG revenue falls at Horse Hill
UK Oil & Gas plc posted a fall in revenue following a decrease in oil production from Horse Hill within PEDL137 and PEDL246 near Gatwick Airport, Surrey. LICENCE Results from six months to 31 March, showed revenue fall to £600,000 while group operating loss decreased to £1 million compared with £1.3m for six months to […]
UKOG issues further 248m shares to reduce loan
UK Oil & Gas plc has repaid a further £50,000 of its £2m loan by issuing 247,524,752 equity shares to RiverFort Global Opportunities PCC Ltd and YA II PN Ltd. The outstanding balance of the 2023 loan stands at £210,000. Following admission, UKOG’s total voting rights will be 4,834,122,740 ordinary shares.
UKOG to comply with ‘perplexing’ Horse Hill ruling
UK Oil & Gas plc will submit a new plan or amend its existing one for Horse Hill oil production after yesterday’s ruling that end-use burning emissions must be included in the application. REGULATIONS The legal challenge was brought by Sarah Finch on behalf of the Weald Action Group (Finch et al) to Surrey County […]
UKOG makes further loan repayment
UK Oil & Gas plc has further reduced its £2 million loan from 2023 with RiverFort Global Opportunities PCC Ltd and YA II PN Ltd. The company issued a further 238,095,238 equity shares to repay £50,000, leaving a balance of £260,000. Following admission, UKOG’s total voting rights will be 4,586,597,988 ordinary shares.
UKOG repays more of £2m loan
UK Oil & Gas plc has repaid a further £55,000 of its loan by issuing a further 244,444,444 shares to investors RiverFort Global Opportunities PCC Ltd and YA II PN Ltd. The balance now stands at £310,000 of the original £2m loan. Following admission, UKOG’s total voting rights will be 4,348,502,750 ordinary shares.