News Oil & Gas

Union Jack turns down further 25% in Claymore Piper

Union Jack Oil plc has decided not to acquire a further 25% interest in the Claymore Piper complex royalty units in the North Sea. CORE PROJECTS In March 2021, the company acquired a 2.5% interest in the complex, which at the time it said was attractive, cash generating and high yielding, and consistent with its […]

News Oil & Gas

Deltic JV completes Pensacola gas exploration well survey

Deltic Energy plc announced the completion of the geophysical site survey over the location of the planned Pensacola gas exploration well on licence P2252 in the Southern North Sea. RESULTS The survey was conducted by Fugro GB North Marine Ltd for Deltic and its operating partner, Shell UK Ltd. Data collection started on 8 September […]

Metals & Minerals News

Red Rock locates anomalous areas ahead of drilling at Mikei

Red Rock Resources plc has recorded four important anomalous areas in the Masurura area at the Eastern licence as the company prioritises drill targets for its 100% owned Mikei gold project (MGP) in Kenya. SURVEYS The MGP comprises two prospecting licences, PL/2018/0202 and PL/2018/0203 covering 245 km2,over the Migori greenstone belt.  The company first collected […]

News Oil & Gas

Deltic to start 3D seismic data acquisition of gas licence in SNS

Deltic Energy plc announced the start of 3D seismic data acquisition over licence P2428 and surrounding areas following the recent farm-out with Cairn Energy plc for five of Deltic’s gas licences in the Southern North Sea. DATA The seismic vessel, under contract to ION Geophysical, has mobilised to site with the survey due to begin […]

Metals & Minerals News

Tungsten West holds MRE of 328Mt at Hemerdon

Tungsten West Ltd announced a JORC mineral resource estimate (MRE) of 328Mt at 0.12% WO3 [tungsten oxide] and 0.03% tin at its Hemerdon project in the village of Plympton in Devon. MINERAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE The MRE, effective of 7 December 2020, was prepared by Mining Plus UK in accordance with the JORC Code 2012. Inclusive […]