Metals & Minerals News

Tungsten West breaks ground for XRT ore sorters

Tungsten West plc said it had broken ground for the installation of the x-ray transmission (XRT) ore sorters at its tin-tungsten mine at Hemerdon in Devon. PROCESSING PLANT Earlier this month, the company received long-lead equipment items, including the seven XRT ore sorters, ahead of the start of digging at the site on 17 March. […]

Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal progresses Nevada projects

Power Metal Resources plc has progressed its tungsten-gold-copper-silver projects in Nevada, USA. PRIORITY Through its majority-owned subsidiary Golden Metal Resources Ltd, the company owns the Pilot Mountain, Golconda, Garfield and Stonewall projects. Golden Metal aims to be independently listed on the London markets during Q2 2022. Desktop analysis at Pilot Mountain has identified several high-priority tier 1 and tier 2 […]

Metals & Minerals News

Tungsten West records £5m losses

Tungsten West plc said its recorded losses of nearly £5 million was in line with expectations for the current stage of the tin-tungsten project at Hemerdon Mine in Devon. FINANCES In its half-year results for the six months ended 30 September 2021, the company’s losses were £4,990,226 (2020: £3,631,500) with administrative expenses of £1,763,573 (2020: […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Tungsten West raises £18,544 via option exercise

Tungsten West plc raised £18,544.22 after receiving notices to exercise options to subscribe for 1,854,422 new ordinary shares of one penny each at an exercise price of one penny per ordinary share. Pursuant to the option exercise, Baker Steel Resources Trust Ltd will be issued with 1,657,196 new ordinary shares. This will increase Baker Steel’s […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal subsidiary raises £750,000 for listing

Power Metal Resources plc said that its subsidiary Golden Metal Resources Ltd had raised £750,000 in pre-IPO financing for its planned listing and operational expenses for its projects in Nevada, USA. PROJECTS Golden Metal’s portfolio includes the Pilot Mountain tungsten (with copper, silver and zinc) and Golconda Summit (gold). LISTING Capital restructuring of Golden Metal share capital will enable additional […]