Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise completes central-east Pioche drill

Sunrise Resources plc partner and option holder has completed phase II drilling and pitting at the Pioche sepiolite project in southeastern Nevada. CHARACTERISATION Tolsa USA Inc engaged Harris Exploration to use sonic drilling, suitable for drill sampling of soft and unconsolidated materials, focusing on the central and eastern area of the claim block. The campaign […]

Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise notes resource definition drill at Pioche

Sunrise Resources plc’s partner has started of resource definition drilling at the Pioche sepiolite project in Lincoln County, Nevada, USA. OPEN PIT Spanish subsidiary Tolsa USA Inc’s provisional 24-drillhole programme involves drilling by a truck-mounted auger drill to planned average depth of 50ft. Sunrise said that shallow drilling reflected the surface and near surface position […]

Equipment & Logistics Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise option holder to define Pioche resource

Sunrise Resources plc’s option holder Tolsa USA Inc has received approval for a planned resource definition drill programme at the sepiolite project near Pioche in Nevada, USA. OPEN PIT MINING The US Bureau of Land Management has approved 24 drill holes, over a 2.5km by 2km area, scheduled to begin in mid-July. A truck-mounted auger […]

Metals & Minerals News

Tolsa stakes further claims at Pioche

Sunrise Resources plc said that 31 additional mining claims have been staked by potential purchaser Tolsa USA Inc at the Pioche sepiolite project in Nevada, USA. DRILLING Sunrise said that the new claims more than double the size of the project and cover projected extensions of the sepiolite deposits outlined in the 2022 mapping and […]