Tertiary Minerals plc’s assays have returned “thick” intervals of silver mineralisation associated with “broader” intervals of copper and zinc mineralisation at the Mushima North project in Zambia. ANOMALIES In Autumn 2024 the company drilled 25 holes on three traverses at target A1, a copper-in-soil anomaly, and one at C1. Results near surface at target A1 […]
Tag: Tertiary Minerals plc
Tertiary drills anomalous copper at Brunton Pass
Tertiary Minerals plc has intersected “thick intervals containing anomalous copper values”, possibly in the halo of a porphyry deposit, at its Brunton Pass copper-gold project in central Nevada, USA. THESIS The first pass phase I drilling programme, started in November 2024, comprised four reverse circulation percussion drill holes for a total 890m. The company said […]
Tertiary appoints Richard Belcher as MD
Tertiary Minerals plc has appointed Richard Belcher as managing director, effective following the company’s general meeting on 7 March. Dr Belcher has more than 22 years’ post PhD geological experience as a contractor andconsulting geologist and he was the company’s exploration manager in Zambia. His experience covers a variety of commodities from early stage to […]
Tertiary nears 3,000m in Konkola West drillhole
Tertiary Minerals plc’s earn-in partner is approaching the deeper-than-planned drill depth of 3,000 metres in the first hole at the Konkola West copper project in Zambia. GROUND-BREAKING The company said that operator KoBold Metals Company had drilled past 2,600m in hole KWDD001 and was drilling in the Kitwe Formation, which forms the upper part of […]
Tertiary pursues Mushima North silver discovery
Tertiary Minerals plc said it had discovered “economically significant” silver and cobalt mineralisation at its Mushima North copper project in Zambia. POTENTIAL The company’s Autumn 2024 drilling campaign involved 25 holes on three traverses at target A1, a copper-in-soil anomaly, and one at C1. Today’s results, from samples from four holes sent for multi-element check […]
Tertiary pauses Zambia projects until New Year
Tertiary Minerals plc has paused operations at three of its Zambia copper joint venture projects until after the Christmas and New Year break. DATA The company’s earn-in partner KoBold Metals drilled at Konkola West until 16 December but has yet to reach the target horizon. The programme is expected to resume on or around 7 […]