Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise completes central-east Pioche drill

Sunrise Resources plc partner and option holder has completed phase II drilling and pitting at the Pioche sepiolite project in southeastern Nevada. CHARACTERISATION Tolsa USA Inc engaged Harris Exploration to use sonic drilling, suitable for drill sampling of soft and unconsolidated materials, focusing on the central and eastern area of the claim block. The campaign […]

Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise notes drilling to extend Pioche deposits

Sunrise Resources plc expects phase II drilling and trenching to begin this weekend at its Pioche sepiolite project in Nevada, USA. OBJECTIVE Option holder and operator Tolsa USA Inc has received approval for the programme from the Bureau of Land Management. Following mobilisation of a rig, drilling will immediately begin to extend the known “extensive” […]

Metals & Minerals News

Tolsa prepares to test Pioche extensions

Sunrise Resources plc said that plans for boreholes and further trenching would test extensions at its Pioche sepiolite project in Nevada. OPTIMISTIC Potential purchaser Tolsa S.A is working with the US authorities to obtain approval for 13 holes, each to a maximum of 130ft deep, as well as three large trenches for a total 300m. […]

Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise sells non-core Crow Springs diatomite claims

Sunrise Resources plc has sold its 29 non-core diatomite mining claims in Crow Springs, Nevada to Dicalite Management Group. ROYALTIES The company received US$75,000 on transfer of the claims with the balance of the total sale price of $150,000 payable when Dicalite submits a mine plan of operations to the Bureau of Land Management. Dicalite […]

Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise chairman purchases 23m shares

Sunrise Resources plc executive chairman Patrick Cheetham purchased 23 million ordinary shares of 0.001 pence each in the company on market, at a weighted average price of 0.0427 pence per share. Following the purchase, on 5 and 6 March 2024, Mr Cheetham is beneficially interested in 281,832,572 ordinary shares, including 5,500,000 ordinary shares held by […]