News Oil & Gas

Star issues 231,366 shares

Star Energy Group plc will issue 231,366 ordinary shares of 0.002p each under the company’s share incentive plan. The company said that the SIP shares would be held by Equiniti Share Plan Trustees Ltd. Following admission, the group’s issued capital will be 129,537,872 ordinary shares, each with one voting right. The number of deferred shares […]

Metals & Minerals News Oil & Gas

Corcel awards 3.5m incentive shares to CEO

Corcel plc has awarded 3,506,490 ordinary shares of £0.0001 each in the company under its share incentive plan (SIP) to chief executive officer Scott Kaintz. The company said that the awards were for the 2022-23 tax year as agreed in the trustees meeting held on 5 April 2023. Also in respect of the same tax year, Mr Kaintz […]

Metals & Minerals News

Red Rock issues 24.5m incentive shares

Red Rock Resources plc has issued 24,512,229 ordinary shares each of £0.0001 in the company under a share incentive plan (SIP) for the 2022/23 tax year. DIRECTORS The move was agreed by the trustees in their meeting on 5 April 2023. Four directors are participating in the shares purchase and award of 18,048,913 new ordinary shares […]