News Oil & Gas

Angus gas production exceeds predicted volumes

Angus Energy plc reported gas production in excess of predicted volumes at Saltfleetby gas field, east Lincolnshire. GAS VOLUMES The company said its quarterly figures of gas volumes produced and sold equalled 5.6 million Therms in aggregate for October, November and December combined. This equated to 1.87 million Therms per month, which Angus said was […]

News Oil & Gas

Angus to resume drilling reservoir ahead of testing

Angus Energy plc hopes to resume drilling into the open hole of the reservoir at Saltfleetby in East Lincolnshire. OPERATIONS Towards the end of November, the company paused operations at the top of the reservoir. Angus today said that despite “relatively slow progress” in casing and cementing it expected to restart drilling early next week […]

News Oil & Gas

Angus awards 175.5m share options to directors and staff

Angus Energy plc granted 175.5 million share options, representing 5.72% of the company’s issued share capital, to directors and staff. SALTFLEETBY The grant comes under the company’s existing employee incentive schemes. In February 2021, the remuneration committee proposed the share options, which the board approved as part of Angus’s share option grants. “This reflects the […]

Company Moves News Oil & Gas

Angus appoints Richard Herbert to development and production

Angus Energy plc has appointed Richard Herbert to develop and expand production at the Saltfleetby gas field and other assets in the company’s portfolio. Mr Herbert has 40 years’ experience in the energy industry and considerable technical, managerial and operational expertise. He has held several executive positions at BP, including the development and operations at […]