News Oil & Gas

Reabold receives new requisition notice for general meeting

Reabold Resources plc has received a new requisition notice from Pershing Nominees Ltd for a general meeting to replace the entire board with new directors. The oil and gas investor said yesterday that the notice, dated 15 November 2023, was delivered to its registered office by courier on 21 November 2023 after 5pm and by […]

Legal News Oil & Gas

Reabold requests valid resolutions to requisition general meeting

Reabold Resources plc said that last week’s notice to requisition a general meeting was invalid because of “material deficiencies” under section 303 of the Companies Act 2006. ACTIONS Pershing Nominees Ltd, which owns a total 7.84% representing 13 beneficial owners, called for shareholders to vote on, among other matters, the removal of Reabold’s co-chief executive […]

Company Moves News Oil & Gas

Reabold receives requisition notice for general meeting

Reabold Resources plc has received a requisition notice from Pershing Nominees Ltd for a general meeting to replace the oil and gas company’s directors. CONTROL The move, on behalf of 13 shareholders representing a total 7.84%, contains ordinary resolutions that Kamran Sattar, Andrea Cattaneo, Francesca Yardley and Chris Connolly be appointed directors of Reabold. Further resolutions […]

News Oil & Gas

Hurricane welcomes withdrawal of requisition notice

Hurricane Energy plc today said that shareholder Crystal Amber Fund Ltd had withdrawn its requisition notice to convene a general meeting to replace senior managers. FORMAL SALES PROCESS The requisition notice in December 2022 came seven weeks after Hurricane announced a formal sales process. “This is a welcome development,” said chairman Philip Wolfe. “It enables […]

News Oil & Gas

Capricorn stands firm on proposed NewMed merger

Capricorn Energy plc today said it remained resolute on its proposal to merge with Israeli partnership NewMed Energy Ltd. REQUISITION NOTICE The company outlined its position to shareholders in an open letter which also concerned a special dividend and the December 2022 requisition notice from Palliser Capital Master Fund Ltd. The shareholder has raised concerns […]

News Oil & Gas

Hurricane ‘mystified’ by call to remove senior directors

Hurricane Energy plc has received a requisition notice from its largest shareholder Crystal Amber Fund Ltd for a general meeting to remove senior management and appoint new directors. DIRECTORS Crystal Amber’s resolutions include the immediate removal of chairman Philip Wolfe, chief executive officer Antony Maris, and chief financial officer Richard Chaffe. The activist investor has […]