Finance Metals & Minerals News

Altona to raise £1.1m

Altona Rare Earths plc said it had conditionally raised £1.1 million through placing 13,750,000 million new ordinary shares at 8 pence each to help fund its operations at Monte Muambe, Mozambique. USES The funds will go towards completing an inaugural mineral resource estimate due in Q1 2023. The proceeds will also fund a preliminary economic […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kavango’s Ditau rare earth and KCB projects valued at $8 million

Kavango Resources plc said it had received an independent valuation of US$8 million for its rare earth element (REE) Ditau Camp and Kalahari Copper Belt (KCB) joint venture in Botswana. VALUATION The 50-50 JV, under Kanye Resources plc, is between Power Metal Resources plc and operator Kavango which intends to regain 100% control of the […]

Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal-Kavango report further progress at Botswana projects

Power Metal Resources and Kavango Resources’ joint venture reported further progress from their rare earth element (REE)-base metals projects in southwest Botswana. JOINT VENTURE The 50-50 partners operating as Kanye Resources have assets comprising Ditau Camp and in the Kalahari Copper Belt (KCB). DITAU CAMP At Ditau, operator Kavango completed four diamond drill holes across […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kavango to acquire Power Metal share of Botswana JV

Kavango Resources plc is to acquire Power Metal Resources’ 50% share of their two-year joint venture and regain control of its rare earth element (REE)-base metal projects in Bostwana. KANYE RESOURCES The partners’ company Kanye Resources owns working interests in 10 prospecting licences in the Kalahari copper belt (KCB), covering 4,257km2. Kanye also owns two prospecting […]

Metals & Minerals News

Cadence sells Yangibana rare earth interest for £5m

Cadence Minerals plc said it had sold its interests in the Yangibana rare earth elements (REE) project in Gascoyne, Western Australia for A$9 million (£5.1m) to joint venture partner Hastings Technology Metals. TRANSACTION The company added that its 30% working interest in the tenements covered a small portion of Yangibana and potentially represented one year of the […]