Finance Metals & Minerals News

Cadence JV receives A$140m loan for Yangibana

Cadence Minerals plc’s joint venture (JV) partner has received approval for a A$140 million loan to fund construction of the Yangibana rare earths project, in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia. JOINT VENTURE Cadence owns 30% of three mining leases, six exploration licences and Australian company Hastings Technology Metals holds the remaining 70%. The JV areas are […]

Metals & Minerals News

Altona completes 2021 drill at Monte Muambe

Altona Rare Earths plc announced it had completed on time and within budget its 2021 drill programme at its Monte Muambe project in Mozambique. PHASE I The company drilled five diamond drill holes for 590 metres and 38 reverse circulation holes for 2,441m. Altona tested the lateral extension of known REE mineralisation in the crater […]

Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal increases rare earth-uranium assets in Australia

Power Metal Resources plc has increased its uranium and rare earth elements portfolio by acquiring 100% of the Selta project in the Northern Territory, Australia. SELTA The deal is through the company’s subsidiary, First Development Resources Ltd (FDR), in an all-FDR share transaction to acquire Australian company URE Metals Pty Ltd which owns the project. FDR will start exploration […]

Company Moves Metals & Minerals News

Altona appoints Hilton Banda as NED

Altona Rare Earths plc has appointed Hilton Banda as a non-executive director with immediate effect. Mr Banda, aged 35, is a qualified geologist and group chairman of Akatswiri Holdings Ltd in Malawi. Akatswiri is the parent company of a number of resources focused companies including Akatswiri Rare Earths Pvt Ltd, in which Altona acquired a […]

Metals & Minerals News

Power Metal acquires FDR Australia

Power Metal Resources plc has acquired 100% of First Development Resources Pty Ltd (FDR Australia) following the grant of the final copper-gold licence in the Paterson Region of Western Australia. REVISED AGREEMENT Earlier in 2021, the company made an offer, conditional on the granting of the final licence in the Wallal project, for 75% of the Australian company. […]

Metals & Minerals News

Kanye JV adds base metals to REEs exploration at Ditau

Kanye Resources Pty Ltd joint venture (JV) said it had increased its exploration scope by adding base metals to rare earth elements at its project in Ditau, Botswana. PROGRAMME The 50-50 JV comprises operator Kavango Resources plc and Power Metal Resources plc with exploration costs equally shared. Kavango said it had accelerated drilling on I10 […]