Finance Metals & Minerals News

Alba raises £300,000 via placing

Alba Mineral Resources plc has raised £300,000 in a placing and subscription of 857,142,857 new ordinary shares at 0.035 pence per ordinary share. USES Chairman George Frangeskides subscribed for 48,571,428 shares for £17,000 and non-executive director Michael Nott subscribed for 8,571,428 (£3,000). Following admission, the total number of ordinary shares in issue will be 9,175,447,238, with voting rights. The […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Karelian raises £329,000 via discounted placing

Karelian Diamond Resources plc has raised £328,747 through a 38.8% discounted placing. USES The placing comprised 21,916,479 ordinary shares of €0.00025 each, at 1.5 pence perordinary share. Certain parties also capitalised amounts owed to them totalling £25,252.75 by the issue of 1,683,516 new ordinary shares at the issue price. Each placing share and investment share […]