Metals & Minerals News

Sunrise completes central-east Pioche drill

Sunrise Resources plc partner and option holder has completed phase II drilling and pitting at the Pioche sepiolite project in southeastern Nevada. CHARACTERISATION Tolsa USA Inc engaged Harris Exploration to use sonic drilling, suitable for drill sampling of soft and unconsolidated materials, focusing on the central and eastern area of the claim block. The campaign […]

Metals & Minerals News

Karelian completes pitting programme in Kuhmo

Karelian Diamond Resources plc has completed a pitting programme on more than 20 previously identified kimberlite targets in the Kuhmo region of Finland. GLACIAL TILL The targets extend over 23 locations from where glacial till samples for kimberlite indicator mineral testing were collected. The company said that the bedrock reached in eight of the locations […]