Finance Metals & Minerals News

Corcel reports increase in costs while losses widen

Corcel plc reported widening losses at the end of year in which it expanded its metals assets in Papua New Guinea (PNG). FINANCES Final audited results for the year ended 30 June 2022 show losses of £2.1 million (2021: 1.2m). Administrative costs rose to £1.26m (2021: 1.0m) reflecting increased insurance costs, professional services costs, share […]

Finance Metals & Minerals News

Corcel chairman converts debt for project funds

Corcel plc’s chairman has converted £128,586 debt into 8,572,400 new ordinary shares, locked up for 18 months, to fund the company’s projects in Canada and Papua New Guinea. LOAN The debt was converted by C4 Energy Ltd, controlled by chairman and director James Parsons. Mr Parsons has now increased his indirect interest in Corcel through […]