Finance News Oil & Gas

Block prepares farm-out process for Georgia gas

Block Energy plc is preparing the farm-out process for the company’s project III, comprising blocks XIB and XIF, in Georgia. STRATEGY The project spans the three fields of Patardzueli, Rustavi and Teleti, which are all under a PSC until 2048. Operations focus on the “multi-tcf undeveloped gas resource” within the Lower Eocene and Upper Cretaceous […]

Legal News Oil & Gas

Ascent increases estimate of Petišovci proceeds

Ascent Resources plc has increased its estimate of production proceeds from €3.5 to around €8 million based on revealed data from the Petišovci gas joint venture in Slovenia. COURT ORDER A data disclosure instruction since October’s decision from the arbitration tribunal shows the historic production data, which Ascent used to calculate the proceeds to which […]

Equipment & Logistics News Oil & Gas

Prospex clears delayed fire safety checks at Selva

Prospex Energy plc has cleared final safety checks to start gas production from Podere Maiar-1 at the Selva gas field in the Po Valley region, northern Italy. MOBILISATION The company had faced delays due to regional severe flooding but has now received formal documentation for operations to begin in eight days following completion of all […]

News Oil & Gas

Parkmead discovers gas columns at Drenthe VI

The Parkmead Group plc has encountered gas columns in the primary target horizons on completion of drilling at the onshore LDS-01 well in the Netherlands. DRENTHE VI LDS-01 is the first of a two-well campaign on the Drenthe VI concession targeting several onshore gas prospects. Parkmead said that the well, drilled to a depth of […]

Equipment & Logistics News Oil & Gas

VOG seeks alternative rig provider for Matanda

Victoria Oil & Gas plc (VOG) said it was seeking an alternative rig provider for well operations at the Matanda onshore gas block in the port city of Douala, Cameroon. CONTRACTS The company, which is still suspended from trading on AIM due to financial uncertainty, produces and distributes gas through its wholly-owned subsidiary Gaz du […]