Tullow Oil plc has been ordered to pay $76 million to HiTecVision in relation to a dispute regarding the acquisition of Spring Energy. DECISION In a statement Tullow said that a panel of arbitrators, working under the jurisdiction of Norwegian law, had delivered an award in favour of HiTecVision. “The panel had been asked to […]
Tag: oil
UKOG completes phase I seismic at Basur
UK Oil & Gas plc (UKOG) announced the completion of Phase I 2D seismic acquisition over the target area and trajectory of the proposed Basur-3 (B-3) mechanical sidetrack (B-3S), onshore Turkey. BASUR-RESAN UKOG’s wholly owned subsidiary, UKOG Turkey Ltd, holds a 50% non-operated interest in B-3 and the surrounding 305 km² Resan M47-b1, b2 licence […]
United starts 2022 drill campaign in Abu Sennan
United Oil & Gas plc announced the spudding of the ASD-2 development oil well in the Abu Sennan licence as the start of its drill campaign onshore Egypt. ASD-2 WELL United holds a 22% working interest in the licence, which is operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt. The ASD-2 is the first well in a fully funded four-well drilling […]
Egdon to appeal against refusal for Biscathorpe side-track
Egdon Resources plc said it would appeal against the refusal for a side-track drilling operation, associated testing and long-term oil production at Biscathorpe, Lincolnshire. DECISION In November 2021, Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) refused permission for the joint venture (JV) project on PEDL253. In a statement today, operator Egdon said it had decided to appeal after […]
Hurricane reaches bubble point without issues
Hurricane Energy plc said that the well gauge pressure reached and declined below the ‘bubble point’ during December without production issues at its Lancaster oil field, west of Shetland. OPERATIONS The company added that this was in line with the previous guided timing of between late December 2021 and mid-February 2022. The bubble point is […]
United ends 2021 on high note with drill success at Abu Sennan
United Oil & Gas plc said that drilling the Al Jahraa-13 (AJ-13) development well proved it be the seventh consecutive successful well since the company acquired the Abu Sennan licence, onshore Egypt. RESULTS United today reported that AJ-13 had encountered 17.5m of net pay in the oil-bearing Upper and Lower Bahariya reservoir targets. The well […]