News Oil & Gas

Hurricane looks at further options for Lancaster field

Hurricane Energy plc announced it had ruled out drilling during summer 2021 and was looking at three other options for further activity on its 100% owned Lancaster field. In December 2020, the offshore hydrocarbon company, focused on naturally fractured basement reservoirs, said it would engage with its stakeholders including an ad hoc group of convertible […]

News Oil & Gas

United marks significant potential of ASH-3, Egypt

United Oil & Gas plc announced that latest test results showed significant growth potential of the ASH-3 development well in the Abu Sennan concession, onshore Egypt. The ASH-3 development well is a step-out development well in the ASH Field and was spudded on 4 January. United today said that preliminary results indicated a maximum flow […]

News Oil & Gas

Predator to investigate third well at Inniss-Trinity

Predator Oil & Gas Holdings plc said it had included a third well in its investigative work at the pilot enhanced oil recovery (EOR) assisted by carbon dioxide project (pilot CO2 EOR) in Inniss-Trinity field, onshore Trinidad.  The company added that swab tests and investigation of two of the four wells originally selected to evaluate […]

News Oil & Gas

United nears completion of initial testing of ASH-3

United Oil & Gas plc expects initial testing to be completed at the ASH-3 well ahead of being brought onstream at the joint venture Abu Sennan concession, onshore Egypt. PRODUCTION The company added that the well encountered 27.5m of net pay interpreted over a 59m gross section in the targeted Alem El Buieb (AEB) reservoir. […]

News Oil & Gas

UKOG injunction upheld over Horse Hill oil protest

UK Oil & Gas plc has had its injunction upheld by the High Court against protesters at its Horse Hill oil site near Gatwick Airport in Surrey. The company said that the judge, Mrs Justice Falk DBE found yesterday (9 February) that there was “a sufficiently real and imminent risk to justify the interim injunction […]

News Oil & Gas

Predator considers CO2 sequestration in Ireland

Predator Oil & Gas Holdings plc said its pioneering CO2 sequestration operations in Trinidad could also be used in Ireland. The chief executive’s words came as Predator welcomed yesterday’s renewed commitment by the Irish Government to honour existing licences for oil and gas. The Jersey-based hydrocarbon company has operations in Ireland, Trinidad and Morocco. It […]