News Oil & Gas

UKOG looks to new strategy after Arreton appraisal refused

UK Oil & Gas plc (UKOG) plans to switch to international, geothermal and hydrogen projects after being refused permission to appraise and test the Arreton oil and gas discovery on the Isle of Wight. RESEARCH Arreton lies within the 200 km² PEDL331 in which the company holds a 95% operated interest and a two-year extension July […]

News Oil & Gas

UKOG seeks environmental permit for well site on Isle of Wight

UK Oil and Gas plc (UKOG) has applied for an environmental permit to explore a proposed new oil well site in Arreton on the Isle of Wight. If permission is granted, the company aims to operate for three years and to drill an exploratory borehole and one side-track borehole. The wider area has the appearance […]