Rockhopper Exploration plc’s partner has indicated that the final investment decision has moved from late 2024 to mid-2025 with first oil during Q4 2027 at Sea Lion in the North Falkland Basin. AREAS The company added that the gross capital expenditure needed to first oil had risen to US$1.4 billion due to inflation but the project […]
Tag: oil and gas
UJO encounters quality reservoir in Taylor
Union Jack Oil plc said it had encountered quality reservoir with two potential further secondary intervals in the joint venture Taylor 1-16 well in Seminole County, Oklahoma, USA. OBJECTIVE Operator Reach Oil and Gas Inc drilled the well to a total depth of 4,577 feet, reaching the target Hunton Limestone interval at 4,168ft. The interval […]
UKOG raises £55,537 via retail offer
UK Oil and Gas plc has raised £55,537 from its retail offer by issuing 222,148,000 new ordinary shares of £0.000001 each at 0.025 pence per share. The offer to the company’s existing retail shareholders is separate to earlier placing which raised £500,000. Following admission UKOG’s voting rights will total 13,362,909,833.
Helium One losses rise in ‘transformational’ year
Helium One Global Ltd’s losses more than quadrupled from a busy year at its operations in southern Rukwa, Tanzania and its new joint venture in Colorado, USA. BUSY Results for year ended 30 June 2024 showed a total comprehensive loss of US$11,012,204 compared with $2,672,915 for the year to 30 June 2023. The company said […]
EnQuest lowers FY production after outage
EnQuest plc said full year production would be slightly lower than guidance after Magnus was shut in following an unplanned outage at the Ninian central platform. INVESTMENT The company led a short dive support vessel campaign in early November to inspect and repair the subsea hydraulic system. Production at the field has now returned to […]
UKOG raises £500,000 via placing
UK Oil & Gas plc has raised £500,000 via a placing of 2 billion new ordinary shares at a 26% discounted price of 0.025 pence per share. The company also intends to hold on the same terms a retail offer for shares of £0.000001 each, due to close on 22 November. Following admission of the […]